
Donald J. Trump’s hair is the subject of many jokes and rumors, raising more questions than answers. At first glance, it seems logical that Trump would cover up what is happening with his hair. 

From his entrance into politics to the 2016 GOP presidential debates, Donald’s hair has been a national obsession. If you’re like me and you’ve been watching Donald Trump for decades, it’s hard not to think about his hair. 

Overview: Trump’s hair

For most of the eighties, Trump sported a comb-over that seemed to be in two parts, with a smooth patch of hair around the sides and a bushel of hair on top that was swept strategically over the bald area.

Sylvester Stallone popularized the style in the movie “Cobra.” Trump has said he got his idea for how to do it from seeing Stallone on TV. The actor wasn’t balding; he just needed to cover up his shaved head while filming.

Trump also advocated for his hair on YouTube. In 2008, he posted a clip from television’s The Insider in which he shaves off someone else’s comb-over and musses up his locks. “I’m in my 60s,” he announced at one point, “but I don’t believe it.”

Trump’s reaction concerning his hair

He did have an excuse for why his hair didn’t seem to droop when he exited airplanes early in the campaign, but it wasn’t the reason people might have expected. It seems logical that Trump would cover up what is happening with his hair.

“It is mine,” he said. “I mean, if it weren’t, it would be pretty sad because there’s not much to recommend me other than my hair.” Trump’s hair is natural, not a toupee, and he does not have a wig or any other prosthetic hairpiece. 

It doesn’t move. I’ve seen him up close. He doesn’t sweat ever; no hairs grow out of his ears or nose; it doesn’t blow in the wind.

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So, is it a wig?

No. I’ve seen him up close. He doesn’t sweat ever; no hairs grow out of his ears or nose; it doesn’t blow in the wind. It’s not a comb-over; this one is so well-done that even the bald spots from which he sprouts hair look natural. 

And if you’re thinking: “Well, maybe it’s just glued on?” The glue would make his forehead sweaty and shiny, and he never sweats or has shiny foreheads during major speeches or debates.

A toupee also seems unlikely given how much time Trump spends outdoors; he owns properties throughout the country that he visits frequently, and nothing about him suggests vanity. 

A rug also seems unlikely because while Trump has dark hair on top of his head, the shape of his scalp underneath clearly follows its contours instead of being covered by something like a wig cap or a headpiece could produce.

Aftessr all, people will probably still be wondering and gossiping about Donald Trump’s hair long after he leaves office. People will talk about your hair when you’ve been in the spotlight for over 30 years, and it’s a fact of life. 

And, even if Trump doesn’t step down from office before his term ends, this isn’t something that will be forgotten any time soon. The internet is full of conspiracy theories about Trump’s hair, and many people don’t believe he does or ever did have natural hair.

Whether it’s a toupee or not, we can all agree that Donald Trump has been one controversial president. But no matter what happens during his presidency, there is no doubt that he will go down in history as one of America’s most memorable presidents.

Donald Trump’s hair is a mysterious thing, to be sure. The president’s hairstyle is the subject of much speculation and gossip. 

Fans speculations

In March 2017, there was a lot of speculation about Trump wearing a toupee. As he greeted supporters at the White House, one woman shouted from behind the security barrier: “Mr. President! Will you stop wearing your hairpiece?”

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The president didn’t acknowledge the question but did adjust his hair as it blew across his face.

During the 2016 campaign season, a few people noticed that Trump’s hair looked different in some pictures. One of them was GQ writer Julia Ioffe, who said: “Donald Trump is bald.”

She wasn’t wrong, and neither are these other folks who have made the same observation:

The style is called a comb-over, which sounds like it’s something you do with your hair in the morning. The term “comb over” has become an insult for people who try to cover up bald spots by only styling one side of their hair. 

But Trump’s hairstyle isn’t like that, and it could be considered part of a more significant trend for men who want to look more youthful without shaving their heads or going bald.

The article says that Trump has been seen without his hairpiece on at least a few occasions. 

In 1990, Trump told People magazine that he had “hair plugs,” also called “micrografts,” and that he was planning to have more done by Dr. Norman Orentreich, who pioneered the procedure in 1952.

But several former employees of Orentreich said they never saw Donald Trump in their office or had any knowledge of his being treated by Orentreich, who died in 1993. 

A photo taken during a visit to Mar-a-Lago shows that Trump has very little scalp coverage left over from his thinning hairline. Yet there’s no sign of scarring around the area where you’d expect to see one.

A Twitter user posted an image of Trump golfing without his hair on, but no one could confirm precisely how legit it was. It was a photo of Trump on the golf course without his hair, and it made people wonder: did he wear a toupee?

The user who posted the image claimed it was from a golf course in Scotland. But many were skeptical about whether or not this image was actual.

The Twitter user who posted it said that she thought it might be photoshopped, but there’s no evidence that any time travel occurred during World War II to make an image like that possible.

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Some people think Trump wore a wig during Hillary Clinton’s presidential debate. You may have seen a viral video that shows Trump’s hair blowing in the wind. Some people think it’s a wig, and others believe it’s his hair.

Are you ready to find out the truth?

You’re about to enter a magical place where we can discover how much of our president-elect’s hair belongs to him. Celebrity surgeon Dr. David Cangello told Radar Online that reports of the surgery are “absolutely false.”

Celebrity surgeon Dr. David Cangello told Radar Online that reports of the surgery are “absolutely false.” “I do not know what hair transplants look like, but a toupee would have no need for the type of procedure he supposedly had,” Cangello said.

Another doctor said that this isn’t what the aftermath of surgery would look like if Trump went under the knife for cosmetic reasons. “If he had a large flap of scalp placed on top of his head, it would be obvious,” he said.

The answer is simple: it’s hard to say whether or not Trump wears a toupee. However, as time goes on, more and more people have come forth with their theories about what lies underneath the president’s hair. 

One such person is former White House aide Omarosa Manigault Newman, who has been on a crusade against Trump since she was fired in 2017. In her book Unhinged: An Insider Account of the Trump White House. 

She claims that “there are dozens upon dozens of people signing non-disclosure agreements on behalf of Donald Trump…because they’re scared out of their minds.”


Whether or not Trump wears a toupee is up for debate. Some people think he does, while others say it’s just his natural hair. However, some clues in the photos and videos of his head show signs of artificiality. This article will let you decide what to believe.

By swati