Online Teaching

The boundaries of traditional learning are changing nowadays with the introduction of technology. The conventional classroom of schools and universities are moving towards online platforms. Online teachers can use many tools and features during online courses like the traditional classroom. Moreover, qualities of a good teacher include finding out how to express the lesson easily with students. It depends on the educator’s choice and the teaching methods for the study. The modification of online teaching lectures depends on the subject, class strength, topic, and more. Here in this article, we will let you know about several different methods that can help teachers make their classes more interesting for students.

Flipped Classroom

Flipped classrooms have increased online teaching methods over the last few years. Students must review the class materials before their class, thus allowing them time to put what they’ve learned on testing with instructor-led activities such as debates, problem-solving questions, and in-depth discussions, and so on.

Video learning is an essential model of the flipped classroom. While many teachers make videos on their own, some utilize videos made by teachers who aren’t their own. 

Other successful strategies for flipping classrooms includes:

Online quizzes enable students in self-reflection of what they’ve learned and improve their understanding of the matter

  • Polls can help students in reflecting and analyzing the lessons they’ve learned by conducting a poll of their own
  • Infographics can increase engagement of students and boosts memory
  • Mind maps let students think about different topic areas and improve their thinking abilities
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Game-Based Teaching

Game-based learning is a popular method used to increase student engagement. It helps to maintain students’ attention. This technique helps decrease student anxiety and boost participation, mainly when dealing with challenging concepts. It also opens the door for weaker students to build their abilities by actively interacting with their classmates.

Games can help to bridge any communication gap in online learning. Based on the type of games you decide to play, some guidelines to remember while playing it online.

  • It is essential to ensure that the students in your virtual classroom can access the same information set. You can share your screen with others or show them to your students by using a video chatting software.
  • Chat is a great way to record the concerns and questions of students and then clarify them. 
  • Students can participate in conversations using chat features available on online teaching platforms.

Class Blog

Blogging helps the educator share what they have learned in the form of published articles. Students or educators can create blog posts in small groups. It’s an excellent way to help students improve their research abilities and encourage them to consider ways to learn on their own. The teacher may also utilize this blog to create a way to provide learning materials to the classes.

Live Chatting

Live chatting is an additional features way to replicate live discussions in physical classrooms. Plenty of online teaching platforms enables teachers and students to talk and collaborate on lessons. The chat will give the students details for revising before tests or assignments. 

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Discussion Forums

The forum gives discussion platforms to students about the lessons they’ve learned or want to learn more about in the class.

There are many discussion boards for your lessons, which will be more organized. You can easily create one using your online interactive workspace.


These are all the features that can help to interact with students. I hope you use these methods while teaching online. However, many patterns like LMS and ERP make online learning more convenient for all learners. 

By Vishal