In today’s fast-paced world, sleep seems to be a luxury or a hassle in many people’s lives. People are now neglecting to get the appropriate amount of sleep as they wish to achieve the impossible every day. It is crucial to remember that sleep is essential for the human body, as it is during this time when the body does most of its repairing. You can seek Puffy help with your sleep schedule to ensure that you make the best use of your sleep time.
Tips for Better Sleep
1. Get More Light in The Day
Everyone’s body has a natural time clock that keeps their hormones in balance. This natural clock is known as the circadian rhythm; if your circadian rhythm does not stay the way it’s supposed to, then your brain and body both get affected.
Your circadian rhythm is something that helps your body get the rest it needs by making it go to sleep. Going under the sunlight during the day helps balance your circadian rhythm; this, in return, allows you to stay active in the morning and helps you sleep at night. Exposure to sunlight in the morning has also been shown to improve sleep quality and duration in people with insomnia.
2. Reduce Long Naps in The Daytime
Power naps are great for when you need a boost midday, but if these power naps are taken for hours, then it can ruin your sleep schedule. Sleeping an excessive amount in the morning ruins your circadian rhythm, and this causes you to struggle to sleep at night.
Power naps should not be longer than thirty minutes, as this amount of time has been shown to enhance the use of people’s brains during day time. Anything above thirty minutes can cause people to feel even more tired.
3. Reduce Blue Light Emitting Devices in the Evening
While being exposed to light in the daytime is great for your sleep schedule, the same cannot be said for nighttime. This is because being exposed to bright lights in the night can make your body think that it is still daytime, and this imbalances your circadian rhythm.
The production of melatonin can also reduce in your body if you are exposed to bright lights at night. Melatonin is important since it helps you relax and makes you go into a deep sleep. The best way to reduce blue light around you is by reducing the use of smartphones and computers. Exposure to blue light can be reduced by using glasses that block blue light.
4. Wake-up and Sleep at Proper Times
Having a consistent sleep schedule will aid your sleep quality. A study has shown that individuals that sleep late or have irregular sleeping patterns reported getting poor sleep. Other studies have shown that irregular sleeping patterns also affect how much melatonin your body produces, and this is what helps your brain sleep. If you are struggling to sleep, then try to make a fixed schedule; once your body gets used to this schedule, you won’t even need an alarm to wake up.
Frequently Asked Questions
What Happens to My Body if I Don’t Get Enough Sleep?
Sleep deprivation can cause several problems. In the long run, if an individual does not get enough sleep, then they might develop some health problems such as diabetes. Some experts believe that sleep is extremely important for our nervous system. A lack of sleep can also cause problems in your personal life as you will have less concentration and feel fatigued all the time. Furthermore, certain sleep disorders such as sleep apnea have been linked to heart attacks, high blood pressure, and even depression.
How Much Sleep Do You Truly Need?
Sleep requirements of each individual can vary from one person to another, and it also depends on the age group. The majority of adults only need seven to eight hours of sleep to work perfectly and stay healthy. However, babies require sixteen hours of sleep every day, while toddlers and teenagers need up to nine hours of sleep.
Do Older People Have More Sleep Problems
There are no studies that suggest that age has anything to do with sleep problems. However, the type of sleep you get as an adult can vary. Generally, people say they had a deep or light sleep. Deep sleep means that the individual went through the REM (Rapid Eye Movement) stage of sleep, while light sleep means they didn’t enter the REM stage. People over the age of sixty-five have said that they end up becoming light sleepers once they became older.
What Warning Signs Are There for Sleep Deprivation?
Generally, individuals that feel drowsy during the day are known to be sleep deprived. If you’re an individual that falls asleep within five minutes of lying down, then even this is an indication that you’re sleep-deprived. The biggest warning sign that you are sleep deprived is microsleep, which is when a person goes through small periods of sleep even when they’re awake.
How do I know if I’m Oversleeping?
Oversleeping is defined as sleeping for an excessive amount of time. Generally, in teenagers and adults, sleeping more than nine hours is considered over-sleeping.
Why am I Feeling Tired After Getting More Than Eight Hours of Sleep?
If an individual, other than an infant or toddler, gets more than nine hours of sleep, then they are likely to feel tired after they wake up. This is because oversleeping throws off your body clock. You are maybe waking up at eleven am, but your body cells started doing their job by seven am.
Many studies have been conducted on sleep and its effects. Most of them have proven that a lack of sleep increases the risk of obesity in both adults and children. Sleep deprivation has also been connected with the development of diabetes and heart diseases. Thus, it is important to take care of your sleep schedule and make sure that you are getting at least seven hours of sleep every night.