When removing broken glass from windows, you must pay attention. You will be able to remove broken glass from windows if you are familiar with how to properly install window glass. You will be able to show your proficiency and you could get hurt if there are no precautions taken. Learn some helpful tips for window glass replacement.

We will show you how to move the broken glass into your window easily and without any injuries. Here are six professional tips to help you remove broken glass from windows.

Before you learn how to deal with broken glass, you must know what you will need. You should not attempt to remove the broken glass without first checking the safety precautions. These are the most important things.

What you need:

  • Tape Measure
  • Paint Scraper
  • Chisel
  • Wire Brush
  • Heat Gun
  • Glass cutter
  • Glazing points
  • Linseed oil
  • Fitting glass pane
  • Glazing compound

How do you remove broken glass from a wood frame?

Step 1 – Remove broken glass

This happens often when you remove broken glass from a wooden frame. The sash is still in the frame so you need to be careful when removing it. To break the glass one more time, use gloves. This will enable you to remove broken glass and the sash.

To cover the mirror’s backside, you can use duct tape. This will allow it to spread out. You can use a hammer or a screwdriver to smash the glass. The duct tape will allow the glass to be removed completely. This is the best and most secure way to use in these cases.

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Step 2 – Remove the putty from the frame

Now, you need to finish the second step. The broken glass and its sash will still be in the frame. To clean the edges of any metal or sash, you can also use a pull-type paint scraper.

Step 3 – Prep Frame

Now you can prepare for the next step after you have completed the previous step. Next, clean the edges of the wood frame using the brush. It is important to wipe it with a slightly damp cloth. Apply a new coat of linseed oils to the entire frame. This will allow you to adjust the putty in the area where you will place the new mirror.

Step 4 – Carefully measure all edges

You should also be very careful when measuring the windows where you plan to install new glass. Measure tape is the best tool to measure the glass’ length and width. You can order the size window glass you need and then go on to do whatever else you wish.

Step 5 – Apply putty to the wood frame

Now, you will need to push the putty into the rabbit’s corner with the help of a putty knife. To fit the mixture compound inside the wooden frame, roll it with your hands. Make a thin paste for the glass to adjust it while it is fitting onto the frame. The putty will keep the glass in place and not let it fall. The heat gun can be used to smoothen the rolling material.

Step 6: Final touches to the glass

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This is the perfect DIY Window glass replacement project. You will get many new ideas that could save you from any mishaps. After you have placed the glass on the spread glue, adjust the level with a knife to ensure that it doesn’t get on the glass. You can let the material dry while you throw away the broken glass.


These steps can help you avoid any injury or mishap. These steps will help you perform the job as a professional.

Before you start the task, make sure that all necessary items and tools are organized. It is much better to do this task yourself than hiring a specialist and spending a lot of money. It is nearly impossible to complete the task well without these tools.